week 6 fortnite challenges

Week 6 challenges Fortnite (Season 6)

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Another week and another set of challenges. These aren’t too difficult and there’s actually a bit of fun here and there. 

Free Challenges

  • Place Chillers in different matches (0/3)
  • Search a Chest in different named locations (0/7)
  • Shotgun eliminations (0/3)

Battle Pass Challenges

  • Stage 1: Land at shifty Shafts
  • Deal damage with a Pickaxe to opponents (0/250)
  • Stage 1: Find a stand with Sheet Music in Pleasant Park (0/1)
  • Stage 1: Elimination with a Common weapon 
week 6 challenges fortnite
Not too bad at all. The free challenges are easy, needing only to drop Chillers, search seven chests, and make three shotgun eliminations. The Battle Pass challenges are also pretty straightforward and a good bit of fun. 

Free Challenges: To start off with, dropping three Chillers is self-explanatory. Just do it! And the seven stage chest search isn’t hard at all as you can do it over multiple games — just a little boring…. Same as the shotguns! Come up with something new!!
Battle Pass: We’ve got a series of land-at-different-places challenges which is easy enough. Following this, we have the straightforward but obviously frustrating challenge to deal 250 damage with a pickaxe — maybe just follow someone straight out of the bus and get it over with? After this a bit of fun with a progressive weapon challenge going from lowest rarity to highest. 
 Last of all, we’ve got the find-a-challenges: 
 – find sheet music in Pleasant Park
 – Play the sheet music on a piano in Pleasant Park
 – Find the Sheet music in Retail Row
 – Play the sheet music on a piano at Retail Row
That’s yer lot!
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